>Lie down
There is an inviting hole beneath the branches of an aged tree; the only one of it's kind to extend this close to the cliff-guarded shoreline. This is where you've made your home on earlier visits.
When you were small, the tree stretched arms up into the sky like the crown of a titan, holding the sun in its leaves. Now that you are larger, it is simply your tree. You still like to perch on the thick branches from time to time.
Beneath the sparse canopy, roots curl down into a mound of earth that has weathered away over the years. Cloned shoots have tried to grow up from these in the past, but the exposure to the elements is too hard for them to get very far. Several of these you have taken inside, the dead sticks building up a wall to hold in the dried grasses and loose feathers of your nest.
Inside, you can smell the overwhelming heat of yourself. Nothing has taken advantage of the shelter while you were away, and everything was just as you left it.
It is relaxing here, but the open wild of the night is too alluring to stay here for long.